Electric motors VYBO Electric – References
VYBO Electric is a leading European manufacturer and supplier of electric motors. Our electric motors are used by prestigious industrial companies around the world in addition to thousands of ordinary consumers.
Selected recent reference projects are published:
Electric motors for industry class H17R with IC411 cooling
Production, delivery and start-up assistance of a special 2400kW electric motor for KSB high-pressure pump.
2400kW Electric motor H17R-630-02, Y6000V, 50Hz, IC411, IM B3, plain bearings RENK
Power 2400kW with cooling IC411 is one of the world’s unique.
The engine was manufactured according to the specific requirements of the power plant.
Customer: power plants
Electric motor 1500kW for drive on frequency converter VYBO Electric H17RL-560-04; D690V; 50Hz; S1; IC416
Specially made electric motor 1500kW VFD duty equipped with vibro sensors and 8 pcs. PT100 sensors
Customer: Estonian power plants
Electric motor 1250kW type H17R-560-06; Y6000V; 50Hz; S1; IP55; IC411; IM B3
Customer: Estonian power plants
Supply of custom-made electric motor VYBO Electric H17R630Z-4, 1300kW, Y 6000V for drive of flue gas fan K8 in coal-fired power plant Komořany-Most.
The electric motor was delivered with insulated bearing, pulse encoder, external cooling IC416 and terminal box on both sides.
For use with Rockwell Automation Power Flex 7000.
Customer: Thermal power plant
Delivery of 6 pcs of electric motors VYBO Electric H17RL-355-4-2; 500kW; 3600 ot .; 400V; 60Hz; B3
Drive high pressure pumps KSB, motors controlled by frequency converter.
Customer: Water Systems – Saudi Arabia
Other bespoke electric motors of high power
Slip ring motor 800kW – custom made electric motor for cement works.
Electric motor H27R-SR-500-06; 800kW; 990 rpms .; Y6000V; B3
Application: vertical mill drive (cement mill slip ring motor)
Electric motor H27R-500-06, 800kW, 6pol, Y 5000V, IC611, IM B3
Application:fan drive
Customer: steelworks
Electric motor 900kW, 690V – delivery of electric motor H17RL-500-06 controlled by frequency converter
Electric motor 630kW, 500V – delivery of electric motor H27RL-600-08 controlled by frequency converter
Applications: bucket excavator drive – coal mining for power plant
Production and delivery – electric motors 500kW type H17R-355-04; Y 6000V; 50Hz; IP55; IM B3
Applications: water pump drive / iron ore mining
Delivery 4pcs. electric motors H17R-400-04 – 400kW and H17R-355-06 300kW; 3300V; 50Hz; IP55; IM B3
Application: drive crusher / gold mining
Delivery 2pcs. – electric motor 355kW, 4pole, Y6000V, 50Hz, H17R, B3 class
Application: fan drive
Electric motor 710kW, 690V – delivery of electric motor H17RL-400-04 controlled by frequency inverter
Application: coal conveyor drive
VFD duty engine 710kW
H17R engine class for use in hazardous areas – for refineries
Supply and installation of electric motor VYBO Electric H17ROR355-02, 315kW, Y6000V for potentially explosive atmosphere
Application: paraffin pump on line for production of aviation gasoline JET A1
Customer: Refinery
Delivery, assembly and commissioning of an electric motor in a potentially explosive atmosphere in an oil refinery.
Electric motor 315kW; 2980 rpms .; Y6000V; B3
Application: oil product pump
Explosion proof medium voltage motor 315kW ATEX Ex ec IIC T4
Secured electric motor 355-02, 315kW, Y6000V for ATEX Exec IIC T3
(electric motor EEx e IIC T3 GC) for paraffin pump (3 pcs. 315kW motors delivered)
Customer: Refinery
Delivery of electric motor H17R315-02, 220kW, Y 6000V in ATEX ExnA version for Zone 2 to Iran
national oil company. The electric motor was delivered urgently from the warehouse by air from Stuttgart airport to Tehran.
Class H17RL – electric motors for drive on a frequency inverter in a compact frame
Electric motor H17RL-355-04; 560kW; Y690V; IM B3; VFD duty
Customer: drive of cement kiln – cement works
Electric motor H17RLX-355-04; 560kW; D400V; IM B3
Customer: compressor drive – food industry
Electric motor VYBO Electric H17RL-355-4-4, 500kW, 4pol, IE3, 690V – for frequency inverter
Customer: Austrian paper company Lenzing a.g.
Delivery of electric motors for transport ship (Atlantic Ocean)
H17RL-355-06; 400kW; 6pol; B3; VFD duty
H17RL-355-02; 420kW; 2pol; B3; VFD duty
H17RL-355-04; 300kW; 4pol; V1; DOL
Electric motor H17R500-04, 900kW, 4pol, Y 6000V for pump drive.
Engine specific features: 2x Bentley Nevada BN330525 vibration sensors, 6xPT100 in winding, 2xPT100 bearings, anti-condensation heating
Customer: thermal power plant BALTI ELEKTRIJAAM – Narva – Estonia
Specially manufactured low-speed electric motor H17R560Z-14, 315kW, 14 poles, 424 rpm, Y 6000V.
Customer: power plant
Application: drive of low-speed circulation pump
Electric motor – medium voltage motor VYBO Electric H17R450Z-12; 250kW; 12 poles; 495 rpm; Y 6000V
Customer: Mining industry
250kW medium voltage motor
Electric motor VYBO Electric H17R450-02, 560kW, Y6000V
for driving high pressure fan.
Customer: power plant
Medium voltage motor 560kW
High performance low voltage ARN motor, type ARN630C-6 for frequency innverter. Motor power 530kW rated – 400V up to 1000kW – 690V, 6 poles.
Engine weight 6.3 tons, torque 9800 Nm.
Fan drive – Heating plant Humenné
Electric motor 630kW H27R-710-10, 10pol, Y6000V, IM V1
Circulation pump drive
Customer: power plant
Vertical medium voltage motor 630kW
Delivery of large 500kW and 630kW ring electric motors for 6000V system.
Application: ball mill drive
Ball mill slip ring motor 630kW
Reference project of complete turnkey high power drive, mining machine drive:
– supply of frequency inverter VYBO Electric V560-4T4500, 450kW, 3x400V including complete accessories
– supply of electric motor with frem and belt transmission, 355LC04 400kW, 4pol, 400V, 50Hz, IP55, IM B3
– supply of switchboard and control system on a turnkey basis
– supply of HV/LV transformer and cabling
– preparation of technical documentation and certification
Customer: mining industry
Slip ring motor 1YG710M-8, 500kW, 8pol, 750 rpm, Y 6000V
Customer: Cement works
Application: ball mill
Cement mill slip ring motor 500kW
IC511 slip ring motors
HV electric motor H-compact 630kW, 4pol, Y 6000V
The electric motor was delivered urgently from the warehouse with a special modification
Customer: Mondi Paper Group
Electric motor 1YF-710M-8 500kW, 8pol, Y 6000V
Customer: Energy industry
Regular supply – high voltage electric motors 1N4 for power industry
Regular supply – HV electric motors 1AN5, 2N4, 1N2, 1YF, ARN, 1YG for refineries, power plants, heavy industry.
Delivery, assembly and commissioning of a new press drive.
Electric motor VYBO Electric 3LC355LD8 250kW 8pol B3 – VFD
Control of electric motor by frequency inverter for very heavy operation
VYBO Electric VECTOR V560-4T2500 250kW 3x400V
The special feature of the drive is the pulley of the press drive with a weight of 1 ton.
Customer: manufacturer of heavy machinery
Delivery of LV electric motor H17RL-400-1-2, 560kW, 2pol, 2970 rpm 400V, 50Hz, S1, IP55, Iso F, IM B3
for driving AERZEN screw compressor
Customer: Dětmarovice power plant
Supply of low-voltage electric motor with high output to Russia.
An interesting feature of the drive are custom-made electric motor feet and a special terminal box.
Supplies of HV electric motors VYBO Electric H27R-400-04, 500kW, Y 6000V; 4pol
Application: pumps, compressors
Production and delivery – high power electric motor H27R-710-04; 1000kW; Y6000V; 50Hz; IM B3
Customer: power plant
1000kW medium voltage motor
Vertical electric motor 250kW H17R-355-04
250kW; Y6000V; 50Hz; IM V1
Customer: Chemical industry
Delivery 6pcs. electric motors for compressor station drive:
Electric motor 400kW, 4pol, Y6000V, IM B3 – 2 pcs
Electric motor 500kW, 4pol, Y 6000V, IM B3 – 2pcs
Electric motor 450kW, 4pole, D400V, IM B5 – 1 piece.
Vertical Electric motor 315kW, 4pole, Y6000V, IM V1 – incl. type test full load
Electric motor controlled by frequency inverter
VYBO Electric H17RL-400-12; 250kW 12pol Y690V B3
Customer: Power plant
urgent delivery in a few hours from stock – DC electric motor 620kW, 1GDC-400L; 520V, 1100rpm; IP23; IM B3
Application: drive of kiln for slaked lime production – cement works
Deliveries of high power DC motors from the warehouse.
DC electric motors SHC a SHK for rolling mill drive.
DC electric motors 1GH5, 1GH7 in stock
Production – special 400kW electric motor for match production factory.
Y/D start with input to terminal box 13xM40.
Application: conveyor belt drive

COTTBUS, GERMANY – MARCH 20: Giant excavators extract lignite coal at the Jaenschwalde open-pit coal mine March 20, 2007 near Jaenschwalde, Germany. Though Germany has been among Europe’s biggest proponents of CO2 emissions reductions, it remains heavily dependant on coal for its energy needs. The mine is run by the Swedish energy suppllier Vattenfall. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)