Low voltage slip ring electric motors H17RL-SR series (ribbed cooled)

Low voltage slip ring electric motors H17RL-SR series (ribbed cooled)

Type of electric motor: H17RL-SR
TEFC Totally enclosed fan cooled three phase asnychronous slip ring electric motor
Frame sizes: 280mm-560mm
Power range: 132kW-2000kW
Poles 4-24 poles
Voltage: 380V-1000V
Frame material: cast iron frame, optionally welded frame
Protection: IP55,65,67
Cooling: IC411
Mounting: B3,B35,V1,IM V15
Accessories: PT100,PTC and other thermal elements can be chose to protect bearings and winding Heaters, anti-vibrations senzors and other

Online contact

00421 948 834 888
(international sales manager)
Email: fv@vyboelectric.eu

Gallery - Low voltage slip ring electric motors H17RL-SR series (ribbed cooled)

Pictures from plant area