Electric motors

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Electric motors VYBO Electric

VYBO Electric Inc. is specialist in electric motors and rotary machines. We specialize in several product, power and voltage series. The most popular series include:

Low voltage electric motors:

H17RL-160kW-2400kW - low voltage electric motors with IC411 cooling (suitable for VFD)

Medium and high voltage electric motors:

H17R-160kW-2400kW- medium and high voltage electric motors-high voltage electric motors with IC411 cooling

High voltage electric motors

H27R-160kW-20 000kW high-voltage electric motors with cooling IC611

Medium and high voltage slip ring electric motors

H27R-SR- slip ring high-voltage electric motors from 160kW to 20,000kW

Low voltage Slip Ring Electric Motors

H17RL-SR- slip ring low voltage electric motors from 2.7kW to 2500kW

Low voltage electric motors

3LC-11kW-400kW - IEC Electric Motors (frame size 160-355mm)

Electric motors- standard IEC low-voltage electric motors in aluminum frame 3AL-0,25kW-22kW-IEC Standard Electric Motors in Aluminum Frame (80-180mm)

  The voltage range of electric motors is from 380V to 13 800V
The total power range is up to 20,000kW.
Number of poles: 2 to 48 poles
The plant area is approximately 10,000 m2.

A particularly specific electric motor is with power range of 160kW to 2400kW for low voltage use with frequency inverter, where the winding must be treated and made specifically for high frequencies, which requires state of the art technology.

High Voltage Electric Motors is a special class that requires great knowledge in the field. The power range is from 160kW to 20,000kW in various types of cooling and design variations.

We would like to welcome you to our plant in the Slovak Republic in Spišská Nová Ves.

VYBO Electric Design and Sales Team.

VYBO Electric emergency solutions

Need big power motor immediately?

call emergency: +421 907 937 187
mail: mv@vyboelectric.eu

Latest news and special projects

Low, medium and high voltage electric motors production lines, videos and information

VYBO ELECTRIC factory and warehouses

Hi tech manufacture plant and one of the biggest electric motors stock in Europe

VYBO Electric motors available

VYBO Electric

VYBO Electric is a Hi-tech manufacturing plant and supplier of industrial electric motors with wide range of products.

VYBO Electric is based in Slovakia, in the heart of the European Union.

vybo electric


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VYBO Electric a.s.
Headquaters and production plant 01
Radlinského 18
052 01, Spišská Nová Ves
Slovak republic

For personal support

Please contact us, we will kindly assist you.

+421 907 937 187 mv@vyboelectric.eu

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